Rising Tides Lift All Ships

The Praetorian Mission: Protect & Uplift communities through conversation, connection, consideration & contribution. Help us in our unique approach to creating waves of positive change, making South-Central Ohio a better place for all of us.

Making Civic Compassion Cool Again

Let's Transform Lives... Together

Join us in making a difference in South-Central Ohio & setting an example for other communities around the nation & then the world. 

As a charitable foundation, The Praetorian Fund will be dedicated to providing relief, support & empowerment to our 'core at risk group,' comprised of homeless families or those facing housing instability, as well as individuals who have exited the foster care system within the past five years.

Additionally, the foundation aims to assist the small business community (additional beneficiaries) by creating educational & monetary initiatives in support of our core at risk group that will strengthen small businesses that engage our most fragil community members.

Our operations will begin in South-Central Ohio, with long term plans to plant seeds of empowerment across the United States.

Core Strategies & Partnerships

The4thC.Live Community Podcast

The4thC.Live Community Podcast

Visit this SPONSOR

Where the small business & non-profit communities share their unique perspectives, challenges & success stories. 

Each episode explores the how & the how comes of not only established small business owners, but the newbies in the marketplace. 

Mixing in an equal representation of the not for profit sector, as well as a recurring commitment of 25% of monthly net revenues, The4thC.live will become synonimous with...

"the voice of the community." 

Financial Literacy  & Payroll Assistance

Financial Literacy & Payroll Assistance


Our approach to long term empowerment & rewdaring those "who put in the work" is unique.

Sometimes, for a wide variety of reasons, at risk community members simply missed the opportunity to master crucial skills that would compliment their natural abilities.

We believe that affording the willing a "second chance" to learn skills crucial to contibuting to local economies is the best way to ensure long term success.

By creating a win-win combination of individual empowerment for our core at risk community members with real world employment subsidy programs for small business owners, we aim to foster deep, long lasting community simbiotics. 

Funding America Small Business Funding

Funding America Small Business Funding


Because we recognize that a healthy community is a profitable community, CCFC is a proud to show support by donating 30% of gross monthly revenues to The Praetorian Fund.

Our support is a natual extension of our focus on the Cash Flow needs of the small buiness & self-employed communities we have served since 2012.


Web3 Based Art by: #IAmLiamOG

Web3 Based Art by: #IAmLiamOG

"Art Speaks The Language of the Listener"

The colaboration & support of Liam Christopher brings philanthropy to the mondern age via WEB3 based 
"non-fungible token" digital art & poetry. Creating the "donor-owner" dynamic grants supporters exclusive access to the EmberWorld community & activities. 

With a generous commitment of 70% of gross monthly revenues as well as liftime royalty contibutions, Liam brings a unique vision of not only connected, but thriving communities everywhere.

VMax Funding - Financial Literacy

VMax Funding - Financial Literacy

Free Comprehensive Financial Literacy Cirriculum comming Q4 2024 

Continuing contribution commitment 30% of referred gross sales.

Community Outreach Programs

We organize activities to connect with the community. Our programs address local needs, foster collaboration, and promote social well-being. Volunteers and local partnerships are crucial to our mission.

Social center worker preparing donation box smiling camera, charity organization

Reach Out to Us

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